Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Comic!- Tour Day Twenty-L.A.

I should finally be getting the pedal back soon!


ZombiesvRobots said...

I always wondered how that show went. I really wanted to travel down and see that one as well. That Pherspace sounds like a cool venue.

The Pancake Master said...

Any luck retrieving my towel? L.A. was like a black hole for our stuff!

The Pancake Master said...

P.S. I finally sent the towel I "borrowed" from Dave's place back to California with Normandie. I wonder if that gives me any rights to "towel karma"...maybe someday I'll see my maroon beauty again.

Eric Edward Fishboy said...

Skip still has your towel, bother him about that maroon beaut.

The Pancake Master said...

How do I go about botherin' Skip!? I still dream of somehow retrieving that towel.