Thursday, October 13, 2011

We are leaving for tour today! If you order anything from the store we wont send it until we get back at the end of the month.  If you live near one of these towns come out and see us!

10/15/2011-Athens Popfest! Athens, GA /Dead Milkmen, Man or Astroman? , Kleenex Girl Wonder

10/16/2011-Asheville, NC-TBA w/ Minorcan

10/17/2011-Washington, D.C.Dynasty w/ Anna Vogelzong 7pm

10/18/2011-Kutztown, PA-The Ekhaus

10/19/2011-Philadelphia, PA-Where?House at 51st and Beaumont W. Philadelphia- with Beer, Breakfast, Dungeness Crab, Geb the Great Cackler 7pm

10/20/2011 Brooklyn, NYC- Bruar Falls (HHBTM CMJ Showcase)

10/21/2011-Portland, Maine- 131 Washington


10/22/2011-EVENING Worchester, MA- Distant Castle-11 Forbes St. 8pm-w/ Red Pony Clock, Bloody Swimsuit, Switched Off Bach

10/24/2011-New York, NY- CAKE SHOP w/ Corn Mo, Jason Trachtenburg, Moon Men on the Moon, Man

10/25/2011-Pittsburgh, PA- House Show-5203 Penn Ave 8 pm

10/26/2011-Indianapolis, IN- TBA

10/27/2011-Oxford, OH-House Show!- 1039 Arrowhead Dr. Oxford, OH 45056-7pm

10/28/2011-St. Louis, MO-Pancake Productions HQ-6528 Etzel Ave. University City,6 MO-5pm

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